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  • AWS/Dentsu raises $5B! 🚀 Big Game QR Jerseys 🍺 Hacks for 2024 🧠

AWS/Dentsu raises $5B! 🚀 Big Game QR Jerseys 🍺 Hacks for 2024 🧠

Hey there, Marketing Engineers! 🎉 It's that time of the week again—our newsletter has landed in your inbox like a smooth digital paper plane.

Hey there, Marketing Engineers! 🎉 It's that time of the week again—our newsletter has landed in your inbox like a smooth digital paper plane. ✈️ 📥 Get ready to unwrap this week’s bundle of news, tips, and all kinds of marketing magic!

🗞 Weekly Marketing News

Here’s the scoop on what’s been buzzing in the biz:

Dentsu and Amazon join forces in a big way! Think of it as a tech-savvy powerhouse duo, where Dentsu's marketing savvy meets AWS's cloud computing and AI capabilities. This dynamic team-up is set to bring some innovative AI tools to the table, making waves in the digital marketing world. It's like Batman and Robin for the tech and marketing world, ready to tackle the challenges of modern marketing with their combined superpowers! 📈 💻 🌊

Got Emojis? The iOS 17.4 beta update is like a wild emoji party, unleashing 118 new guests into the chat room (and email subject lines 😉) of your life. Imagine the chaos: new faces, animals, objects, and who knows what else, all jostling for space in your texts and tweets. It's a digital fiesta where expressiveness is king, and your emoji game can level up from 'meh' to 'emoji maestro'! Our fav is the phoenix. 🎉📱🤩

Cheers to innovative marketing! Miller Lite is turning heads and beer taps with their latest Super Bowl stunt: 1,000 wearable beer ads! Imagine a sea of fans decked out in beer-branded gear, making the stadium look like a Miller Lite fan convention. This clever move by Miller Lite takes advertising to a whole new level – it's not just about watching the game; it's about wearing it! Our question: is this meant to get scans on TV, in person? Or just to get suckers like us to talk about it in their newsletters? 🏈 📺 🍻

🤖 Robo Roundup - Siri-ously Cool AI Updates

Weekly updates on the latest breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence.

Check this out! HeyGen has already nabbed headlines for it's powerful talking head Generative AI tool, which can take a few minutes of video and turn it into a talking avatar to say whatever you script (and in whatever language. you want.) This week they've announced a streaming API which allows faster generation and lower latency output from avatars. This means they can potentially field questions from your users in real time. Try it out. The tech isn't perfect, but it's getting better and at an amazing pace. 🎥 👾 🕺

ChatGPT's new feature is like having a superhero team in your chat window! You can now @-mention any custom GPT within ChatGPT+, summoning specialized AI pals to join your conversation. Need a poet, a mathematician, or a trivia buff? Just give them a shout-out, and voilà, they'll pop up faster than a genie from a lamp, ready to add their unique flair to the chat! (While saving you the trouble of switching windows to break your flow.) 🧞‍♂️💬✨

⚙️ The Machine Shop

Think like a Marketing Engineer. Succeed as a Marketing Engineer.

Are you being paid competitively? Sales and Marketing Engineers in California are raking in the dough, and it's not just from selling Silicon Valley's latest gizmos! They've combined the charm of a salesperson with the brainpower of an engineer, making them the unicorns of the tech world. It's like they've cracked the code to the salary matrix, earning figures that make their spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations look like gold mines. Who knew tech talk and handshakes could be such a lucrative combo? 💰👨‍💻 🤑

SEO Search Simulator [1-2 min read time]

New Tool! The SEO Search Simulator by Nightwatch is like your own personal SEO ninja! It lets you sneakily simulate Google searches from anywhere in the world, perfect for playing a game of "Where does my website rank?" It's also unbiased - think of it as the Switzerland of search simulations. Want to spy on your competitors' rankings? This tool's got you covered. It's like having a secret spyglass into the mysterious world of SERPs, making life a bit easier (and more fun) for SEO pros who love simplicity and efficiency in rank tracking. 🕵️‍♂️ 🌍 💻

💡 Hacks of The Week

Work smarter... not harder. Here are our favorite tips, tactics, and shortcuts of the week:

2024's marketing scene is a blend of old-school charm and sci-fi wizardry! Dive into short-form videos to keep it snappy and grab attention. Slide into DMs like a pro, making every message count in the world of private sharing. Experiment like a mad scientist with niche platforms and generative AI, crafting your own digital masterpiece. And for the grand finale, don your techy specs and plunge into the dazzling realms of AR and 3D, crafting experiences that are out of this world! 🥽📱🖥️

ChatGPT's like that cool, slightly nerdy friend who's always up for a chat. And now it's learning to up its game in conversation! The trick to getting the best out of ChatGPT is all in how you chat with it. Picture it as a buddy, "Bob" perhaps, and get chatty. Share stories, ask layered questions, and remember, it's a conversation, not an interrogation. Dive into the art of 'prompt engineering' – a fancy term for chatting smartly – which, by the way, could land you a job with a hefty paycheck. Get creative with your prompts, play around with identities, and don't shy away from asking for a redo if the AI goes off on a tangent. It's like having a brainstorming session with a robot who's had too much caffeine! 🤓✍️🧠

📺 Flashback Friday

'Member when marketing was fresh?

Volkswagen's 1997 commercial "Da Da Da" is a quirky classic. Picture this: two guys, a funky beat ("Da Da Da" by Trio), and a red VW Golf. They drive around, pick up a stinky chair, decide it's too smelly, ditch it, and just keep cruising. It's a tale of friendship, adventure, and realizing that sometimes, even in a cool car, life can be pretty mundane. Yet, it's all about enjoying the ride, even if you end up with nothing but a fresh beat and a less-than-fresh chair. 🚗🎶🛋️

And that's a wrap for this week! Remember, stay curious, embrace the hacks, and keep crushing your marketing goals. See you next week for another round of goodies!

Keep on Rockin' in the Free World,

Team Marketing Machine 🚀

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